Free-floating or station-based

Launch your car sharing service

On-demand free-floating car sharing, pre-booked station-based rentals, or even a hybrid of both - our platform adapts to your business needs, offering technological superiority over competitors.

Car sharing software
Used by over 100 companies, from startups to large cross-country corporations.

200+ features to become a market leader

Are you just starting a car-sharing business or already operating a fleet of several thousand cars? Explore what ATOM Mobility can offer to scale operations and provide a superior user experience.


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Offer flexibility to users by setting up free-floating car sharing with designated parking zones.

  • Manage multiple zones from a single dashboard: parking, paid parking, no parking, bonus zone and more.
  • Control each car through the integrated fleet and task management tools on your dashboard and service app.
  • Increase demand and turnover of free-floating operations using heatmap data and smart rebalancing zones.
  • Boost your revenue by offering other companies a dedicated dashboard to provide your car sharing services to their employees.

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Car sharing software
Car sharing software


Operating station-based car sharing has never been easier—allow users to pre-book cars at specific locations.

  • Provide a fully digital car rental experience, including contactless car pickup and return.
  • Achieve an excellent user experience with a reduced number of cars compared to free-floating models, offering a more efficient solution.
  • Strategically position stations in proximity to airports, train stations and central locations, providing a convenient to app users.
  • Boost your revenue by offering other companies a dedicated dashboard to provide your car rental services to their employees.

Learn more

Car sharing software

Ready to scale your car sharing service?

Get access to the most dynamic car-sharing platform and gain a competitive edge.