Corporate car rental

Automate and digitalize corporate car rental operations

Enable a keyless car booking system for employees, supporting both business and personal usage. Our platform offers flexible booking configurations, ensuring accurate billing aligned with each user's mobility budget.

Corporate car rental software
Used by over 100 companies, from startups to large cross-country corporations.

200+ features to become a market leader

Provide your employees with mobility packages tailored to their individual requirements, with private and keyless vehicle access. Offer a range of vehicles such as cars, bikes, mopeds and more for different transportation needs.


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Employee access

  • Launch your own multi-modal, customized, and white-label app with your corporate branding.
  • Provide a fully digital booking process supporting keyless car access, contactless car pickup, and return.
  • Offer the option to switch between business and personal accounts where everyone wins: employees gain access to vehicles outside of business hours while companies generate extra revenue.

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Corporate car rental software
Corporate car rental software

Management access

  • Streamline business processes: from driver identity verification to budgeting, payments, and invoicing.
  • Real-time car monitoring, geolocation, remote digital locking/unlocking, and car immobilization ensure that your vehicle is always safe.
  • Automate inspections and maintenance management with our damage and task distribution system.
  • Set up budgets, rules, and analyze data: usage reports, vehicle diagnostics, and employee satisfaction.

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Corporate car rental software

Ready to automate your corporate car rental operations?

Get access to the most technologically advanced corporate car rental software and gain a competitive edge.