Scooter/bike sharing for hotels

Start a hotel-based scooter and bike-sharing service

Offer an easy-to-use, fully automated scooter and bike rental service to your hotel or hostel guests. Stand out from the competition, earn extra revenue, and get your own branded app.

Hotel-based bike and scooter sharing
Used by over 100 companies, from startups to large cross-country corporations.

200+ features to become a market leader

Launch your own hotel-based automated scooter and bike-sharing service with no effort. Explore how ATOM Mobility can help: from sourcing the right vehicles to providing all the technology needed to launch.


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Virtual stations

Utilize virtual stations and ATOM Mobility's ready-to-launch technology to offer a superior guest experience.

  • Provide a fully digital scooter and bike rental experience, including contactless pickup/return and online payments.
  • Offer access to vehicles exclusively to hotel guests and corporate partners.
  • Control each scooter and bike through the integrated fleet and task management tools on your dashboard and app.
  • Boost your revenue and increase engagement by offering app users a unique loyalty program and flexible subscriptions.

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Hotel-based bike and scooter sharing
Hotel-based bike and scooter sharing

Docking stations

Operating scooter and bike sharing software has never been easier—allow users to dock and charge scooters and bikes at designated stations.

  • Provide a superior user experience - the ride will automatically end once the scooter or bike is docked at the station and the battery charging process starts.
  • Position docking and charging stations near the hotel entrance, providing convenience to app users.
  • Reduce maintenance and charging costs with our ready-to-use integrations with major docking station manufacturers.
  • Boost your revenue and increase engagement by offering app users a unique loyalty program and flexible subscriptions.

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Hotel-based bike and scooter sharing

Start a hotel-based scooter and bike-sharing service

Get access to the most technologically advanced vehicle-sharing platform and win the market.