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Bike-sharing advantages and disadvantages – what to bear in mind?
Bike-sharing advantages and disadvantages – what to bear in mind?

🚲 Considering bike-sharing for your city or business? Learn about the advantages and disadvantages before diving in. 🚀 The global bike-sharing market is booming, projected to reach $12.68 billion by 2027. As the second most popular shared mobility transport mode, it offers both advantages and disadvantages worth considering.

The shared mobility industry has seen immense growth within the past few years, and shared micromobility vehicles, such as shared bikes, are no exception. Various reports on the shared mobility market have emphasized that revenue from bike-sharing is projected to continue rising, with the sector expected to reach US$12.68 billion by 2027. 

Data and statistics speak for themselves – the bike-sharing market's future is bright and shiny. But are there any disadvantages to bike-sharing? And what are the biggest benefits of this micromobility type? Read this article to find out.

What is bike-sharing?

Before we discuss the pros and cons of bike-sharing, let's define what this term actually means. 

Also known as bike rental or public bicycle sharing, bike-sharing is a system where individuals can use bikes on a short-term basis. Bikes that are available for sharing are commonly placed in designated areas or docking stations, mainly in urban environments. Bike-sharers rent and return the micromobility vehicles for a certain fee, depending on the bike-sharing service provider. 

An equally important part of the bike-sharing system are the various mobile applications and payment systems that enable users to grab a shared bike when needed and conveniently pay for the service.

As you can likely guess, bike-sharing is primarily an urban phenomenon. It has become one of the key components of sustainable transportation strategies in cities around the world. Plus, it's convenient, cool, and… well, continue reading for more pros.

Advantages of bike-sharing

Besides making urban areas look hip, bike-sharing systems have a bunch of advantages that range from user convenience to sustainability and beyond.

1. It benefits the environment

Those who care about sustainability have all the reasons to love bike-sharing. It provides an alternative mode of transportation that is also environmentally friendly. Access to bike-sharing helps make greener choices (read – drive cars less often), which helps reduce air pollution and carbon emissions. Moreover, riding a bike for a short trip around the city is an amazing way to reduce your personal carbon footprint.

2. It helps reduce traffic congestion

Traffic congestion is a common issue in many cities and urban areas. Bike-sharing systems can significantly help deal with this problem, as they provide a convenient way to complete short trips around the city. Biking instead of driving a car, taking public transport, or paying for a taxi during rush hours also shortens the time spent on the road and improves the traffic flow overall.

3. It promotes public health

Cycling is not only a convenient way to get around but also benefits one's health. Just think about it – you're commuting while getting some exercise at the same time. How cool is that? Well-built bike-sharing systems such as Tretty can encourage people to bike more often, contributing to overall public health as a result. 

4. It's cost-effective

And cost-effective not only for bike-sharers but also for micromobility service providers. The growing demand for shared micromobility vehicles, bikes included, clearly shows that it's a profitable niche. Plus, today, there are plenty of ways to start your bike-sharing business quickly and easily. For example, with ATOM Mobility, you can launch a bike-sharing platform in 20 days. We offer a fully customizable white-label solution for all kinds of sharing businesses. You'll love it, and your bike-sharers will, too.

5. It's a scalable micromobility business model

Another advantage of bike-sharing from the perspective of micromobility businesses or businesses-to-be – it's scalable and has relatively low operational costs. Bikes require less maintenance than, for example, e-scooters and have no fuel expenses, contrary to car-sharing. Moreover, bike-sharing businesses can be easily expanded to new locations – cities or even countries, and it's relatively easy to grow the bike fleet in response to user demand. 

Bike-sharing disadvantages

As with all seemingly perfect things, there are always at least a few downsides to them, and bike-sharing is no exception. What are its disadvantages? Scroll down.

1. It poses some safety concerns

Despite being a relatively safe way of getting around a city, bikes raise some safety concerns, mainly when interacting with motorized vehicles. Not all roads have bike lanes, and not all drivers are used to sharing the road with cyclists, which can lead to heightened accident risk. Moreover, those new to bike riding may be particularly vulnerable to accidents and injuries. 

Increasing safety for cyclists requires the involvement of public authorities. However, if you're a micromobility service provider, you can customize your app and add information on safety concerns and things to remember when cycling around the block. 

2. It can be subject to theft and vandalism

It's no secret that bikes are a catch loved by thieves and vandals. Even the best safety locks and docking systems can sometimes get hacked, resulting in financial losses for operators and inconvenience for bike-sharers. What can be done is adding GPS tracking to shared bikes, picking extra resistant locks, and placing surveillance cameras around bike docks to prevent theft and purposeful damage.

3. It's not for all weathers

Of course, there are cyclists who ride their bikes in rain or thunder, but the usual bike-sharing client may not be up for cycling in a snowstorm, rainfall, or extreme heat. Hence, bad weather can decrease bike-sharing, and if it sticks for long, bike fleet owners may feel it financially. 

Whether you're a municipality thinking of implementing a bike-sharing system or a micromobility business owner looking towards bikes, consider the weather of your location. As simple as that.

4. It requires diligent maintenance

Yes, we mentioned low maintenance costs among the benefits of bike-sharing. However, bike fleet maintenance requires quite a lot of work. A bike is not a complex ride, but if the fleet is used constantly, the rides wear out fast. Regular check-ups – cleaning, inspections, repairs, and parts replacement – are essential to prevent mechanical failures and ensure a positive user experience. Doing so requires both human and financial resources. 

Build your bike-sharing empire with ATOM Mobility

Now that you're familiar with the main bike-sharing advantages and disadvantages, you can take the next step and look for ways to start your micromobility service or improve your already existing one by adding bikes to the game. 

But solid rides are not the only crucial thing – bike-sharers love convenient bike-sharing apps, too. And that's where ATOM Mobility comes in. Our software is suited for any type of vehicle-sharing and has 200+ features to bring you to the top of the bike-sharing game. What are you still waiting for?

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Creating a customer-centric shared mobility businessCreating a customer-centric shared mobility business
Creating a customer-centric shared mobility business

Discover the key to a thriving shared mobility business: a customer-centric approach that puts your users first.

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Running a successful shared mobility business is more than just providing rides from one place to another. It's about placing your customers at the heart of your business – making them feel valued, appreciated, and the real focus of all your efforts. In other words, it involves a customer-centric approach.

Let’s take a closer look at what a customer-centric strategy means, why it's important – and how to adopt it in a shared mobility business.

What being customer-centric means and why it's important

Customer centricity means shaping your business to deliver an excellent customer experience at every step. It's a strategy to build stronger brand loyalty and satisfaction, leading to deeper and longer-lasting customer relationships. 

It involves shaping your messages and services to match what your clients want and like. Being customer-centric is about recognizing the pivotal role customers play in the success of any business.

Here are the main reasons why it’s a worthwhile strategy to consider:

  • Customer satisfaction and loyalty: When you put your customers first, you're more likely to provide them with what they truly want – and satisfied customers are more likely to stay loyal to your brand.
  • Positive reputation: Satisfied customers become your brand advocates. They share their positive experiences, enhancing your brand's reputation and attracting new customers.
  • Easier to stay ahead: Talking to customers and getting their feedback can help make your services more innovative and proactive. It helps you stay ahead of the curve and meet changing customer demands.

Key aspects of a customer-centric shared mobility business

Now, let's look at the key areas in which shared mobility businesses can enhance the customer-friendliness of their services.

User-friendly and engaging software

Software is often the first point of contact for customers when they start using a shared mobility service – and it's important to ensure that this first impression is positive.

In this case, a user-centric approach is about making sure the software doesn't get in the way but rather enhances the user experience. For customers, it should be effortless to book a ride or rent a vehicle. 

man in white and gray striped polo shirt holding black smartphone

Consider these factors when aiming to provide a customer-centric software experience:

  • Keep it simple: Make sure the software is straightforward and easy to use – especially for people who might not be tech-savvy. It's a good idea to have a clear layout – keep the interface organized with easily visible buttons for key tasks like booking rides, checking ride details, and providing feedback.
  • Let customers pay as they like: Give users multiple ways to pay (cards, ApplePay, GooglePay, PayPal and more), and, if possible, show them an estimate of the service cost before they confirm it. This helps users know what to expect and makes the process more transparent and user-friendly.
  • Features to drive engagement: Consider additional features that can boost user engagement and make the overall experience more enjoyable. One intriguing option to explore is gamification, which involves infusing apps with game-like elements. The idea is to offer users a feeling of achievement as they advance and complete various tasks within the app.

If you are after a white-label solution, Atom Mobility offers a user-friendly high-converting mobile app for both iOS and Android, which can be customized to match your brand. The app is regularly updated and supports various vehicle types, languages, and geographic locations. 

Great customer support

When a business is all about making customers happy and putting them first, one of the key aspects is having great customer support. It’s key to better customer satisfaction, loyalty, and positive word-of-mouth. 

group of people using laptop computer

Here are the key principles that define great customer support:

  • Speed: Customers don't like waiting a long time for answers to their questions – they want quick solutions to their queries. It's a good idea to give customers various options for getting help, like phone, email, chat, and social media. You can also offer self-help tools like FAQs, chatbots, and online guides. Some customers like finding answers on their own, which can cut down on the number of questions needing human assistance.
  • Knowledge: While being fast is important, it should come with knowing your stuff and giving accurate info to customers. Your support representatives should have a deep understanding of your company's services, policies, and available resources. Customers must have confidence in the information provided by your customer service team – nobody wants to call about the same problem repeatedly.
  • Treating customers with care: Good customer service means treating customers with respect, courtesy, and professionalism in every interaction. Sometimes customers may feel anxious or frustrated, and it's crucial to empathize with their needs – picture yourself in their situation, and let them know you're fully committed to their problem. 

Safety, feedback, and proactive solutions

Let's explore other important factors like safety, feedback, and proactive solutions that can solidify a business's role as customer-centric.

  • Commitment to safety and reliability: According to a survey by McKinsey, safety is the top priority for shared mobility users worldwide. In other words, businesses should make customers confident in their ability to provide safe and reliable services. Take shared micromobility fleet vehicles as an example – they should be well-maintained in both appearance and technical condition. This ensures that customers feel confident and secure when using them. Ride-hailing businesses should find ways to promote safe driving and take strong action against drivers who don't follow the rules.
  • Listen and act on feedback: You should actively engage your customers through a continuous feedback loop. Collect and analyze your customer feedback – whether it's through in-app surveys, email, or social media channels. This way, you can identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to improve the customer experience. When customers think their feedback matters, they usually feel more connected to a business.
  • Stay ahead of the curve: Last but definitely not least – try to be proactive. When you see an opportunity to improve things, there's no need to wait for a customer to point it out – go ahead and do it. By staying ahead of the game, you can pleasantly surprise your customers and even exceed their expectations.

Conclusion: putting the customer first

A great shared mobility business is not just getting from point A to point B – it's an experience that customers appreciate and want to repeat. With the right tools and mindset, you can deliver this kind of experience to your customers and set the stage for your business's long-term success. A customer-centric approach simply recognizes that your customers are your business – since their satisfaction is what fuels your own success.

Improving your vehicle-sharing operations with ATOM's unique featuresImproving your vehicle-sharing operations with ATOM's unique features
Improving your vehicle-sharing operations with ATOM's unique features

Discover how ATOM Mobility can enhance your vehicle-sharing business with its unique features – loyalty modules, corporate invoicing, dynamic pricing, add-ons, promotions, & more.

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Are you thinking about launching a vehicle-sharing business, or perhaps you're already in the game? No matter where you are in your business journey, it's vital to understand that in this industry, software can be a game-changer when it comes to your success.

An easy-to-use and intuitive platform with a comprehensive set of features can draw in customers and keep them coming back. For operators, it's about extracting valuable insights from the software to better run their business. 

The good news is that ATOM Mobility has a range of fantastic features that can take your vehicle-sharing venture to the next level. In this blog post, we'll dive into these features and discover how they can improve your business. 

Let's get started!

Corporate integration: promoting sustainability together

With ATOM, vehicle-sharing companies can extend their services to other businesses through corporate accounts and corporate invoicing. This feature facilitates a unique and mutually beneficial partnership between vehicle-sharing providers and companies interested in their services.

Imagine, for instance, a forward-thinking bank that aims to foster a greener and more sustainable approach to mobility for its employees. Instead of every employee relying on their individual cars or traditional transportation methods, the bank decides to collaborate with a vehicle-sharing operator. This collaboration involves setting up a corporate account within ATOM's platform.

In this scenario, the employees gain access to a fleet of shared vehicles registered under this corporate account. These vehicles can include cars, bicycles, scooters, or any mode of transportation available in the vehicle-sharing network. The management can also decide and set up limitations for the usage, for example, set a limitation of a maximum of 200 EUR/month per employee to cover expenses for transportation or allow to use corporate payment method only during weekdays.

This feature creates a win-win scenario, where businesses can promote sustainable practices among their employees – while vehicle-sharing operators gain a reliable source of revenue through corporate partnerships.

Loyalty module: the key to improved user satisfaction and retention

ATOM Mobility's loyalty module adds a fun dimension to its customizable white-label platform. This gamification integration enhances the overall user experience and allows operators to stand out from the competition. 

So, what makes gamification such a great feature?

It makes apps more enjoyable by adding game-like elements, boosting user satisfaction. Popular apps like Duolingo, Fitbit, and Headspace have successfully employed gamification to engage users. ATOM Mobility led the white-label shared mobility industry by introducing this feature for the first time in the summer of 2023. Broadly speaking, gamification provides:

  • Enhanced user engagement: Challenges, rewards, and interactive elements motivate users to actively participate, increasing app usage.
  • Improved user retention: Gamified elements foster a sense of progression, enticing users to return for more.
  • Data insights: Gamification provides valuable data on user behavior, enabling personalization and higher engagement.

With the loyalty module, operators gain access to a special dashboard to create challenges. These can be personalized with titles, points-based goals, duration, and enticing rewards like ride discounts. Multi-level challenges add excitement, keeping users engaged.

Operators can customize the module by adjusting points, point calculation logic, challenge length, and more. When users complete challenges, they receive rewards. Data insights help operators gauge the engagement and effectiveness of their efforts. 

ATOM's clients have noticed a boost in customer engagement and more rides as soon as they started using the loyalty module. You, just like other operators, can also enjoy these benefits by choosing ATOM.

Adding flavor with group discounts and bonus zones

ATOM also offers two unique features that offer advantages to both customers and operators: group discounts and bonus zones.

Group discounts

ATOM Mobility's platform allows operators to implement group discounts. Whether targeting students, businesses, or other specific groups, operators can create custom discount levels. In the backend, they can easily manage group memberships. 

It's straightforward – when group members log in, they see discounted rates tailored to their group. This feature not only attracts a wider audience but also fosters loyalty among targeted groups, making it an attractive proposition for various demographics.

Bonus zones

To promote high-demand areas and incentivize riders, ATOM Mobility has introduced the concept of bonus zones. These zones encourage users to end their rides in specific popular locations. When users comply, they receive bonuses. 

The innovative aspect is that the bonus is applied before the ride is charged, meaning users get an immediate discount. For instance, if a user's ride costs 4 EUR and a 10% bonus is set, they'll be charged only 3.60 EUR, with 0.40 EUR deducted as a bonus. Users can also use accumulated bonuses to pay for rides in full, making it a compelling way to encourage repeat business and reward user loyalty.

Add-ons: an opportunity to upsell insurance

Add-ons available through the ATOM dashboard are a versatile tool designed to provide riders with various services, including insurance, donations, participation in lotteries, or any other service that aligns with your offerings.

Here's how it works:

Before starting a ride, app users can activate the add-ons you've created, which will be billed on top of your standard ride fees. The pricing structure for add-ons comprises a fixed fee, a time-based fee, and a distance-based fee, and operators can adjust and mix these elements as they see fit.

Add-ons in the ATOM Mobility platform offer benefits to both users and operators. From a user perspective, they provide customization, value, and control, allowing riders to tailor their experience and choose services like insurance or donations based on their preferences. 

For operators, add-ons can create new revenue streams and differentiate services. They also provide valuable data insights into user behavior and preferences, enabling data-driven decisions and the potential for partnerships with third-party service providers, such as insurance companies. 

Dynamic pricing

Now you can ensure that the pricing of your services automatically adjusts based on times of the day and days of the week - this feature lets you automate price adjustments by setting time-sensitive multiplicators that will increase or decrease the pricing of your service, for example, twice the normal price for weekend evenings or a 30% discount early Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.

How does it work?
The system will take the standard price for the Vehicle model (vehicle-sharing module) or Vehicle class (ride-hail module) and multiply it by the multiplicator set in Dynamic pricing if the ride is started/requested within specified times and days.

Stand out from the competition with ATOM Mobility

As more consumers opt for sustainable transportation, the vehicle-sharing industry is set to see increased demand in the years ahead. This growing demand will bring more operators into the field, intensifying competition. 

One way to distinguish yourself is by delivering an exceptional user experience through software. Alongside the unique features we've explored, ATOM Mobility also provides all the core features you would expect, including a customizable rider app, a feature-rich operator dashboard, AI-powered vehicle analysis, and robust data and analytics tools to support informed business decisions.

Don't miss the chance to captivate your users and stand out in the shared mobility industry!

Everything you need to know about micromobility fleet insuranceEverything you need to know about micromobility fleet insurance
Everything you need to know about micromobility fleet insurance

Discover why fleet insurance is important for shared micromobility operators. Learn how the right coverage provides peace of mind against unexpected challenges.

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For shared mobility operators, fleet insurance should be one of the top priorities. No matter the size or composition of your fleet, having the right insurance can offer peace of mind by protecting your business from unforeseen situations

However, the insurance question can sometimes seem daunting – especially if you're new to the industry. In this article, we will explore the key things you need to know about insuring your shared micromobility fleet.

Why you need insurance

Operating a shared mobility fleet isn’t always smooth sailing. Accidents can happen – whether it's a minor fender-bender or something more severe. Insurance serves as your safety net, offering financial coverage for repairs, replacements, and even potential legal obligations after an incident.

Here are the main reasons why insurance should be one of the top priorities for shared mobility fleet operators: 

Legal compliance: In many places, insurance for shared mobility fleets is a legal requirement. You probably want to comply with these regulations to avoid any potential fines, penalties – or even the suspension of your operations.

Financial security: Insurance also helps keep your business going financially, no matter what happens. Without insurance, accidents, vehicle damage, or theft can seriously impact your finances. Comprehensive insurance coverage can ensure that you're not left scrambling to cover any unexpected expenses.

Understanding shared micromobility insurance

When it comes to insuring micromobility fleets, part of the challenge stems from the fact that the market is relatively new. Some insurance underwriters avoid dealing directly with micromobility because it's seen as an unfamiliar market. 

This is where brokers like Cachet and others specializing in micromobility insurance come in. They partner with various insurance underwriters to provide coverage for operators in this field.

When it comes to shared micromobility, insurance coverage generally has a twofold role: safeguarding assets and handling third-party engagement in the event of accidents.

person riding bicycle during daytime

Liability coverage: Securing third-party public liability insurance for shared mobility fleets is not just a matter of choice – in some places, it's mandated by law. This insurance serves to protect pedestrians and riders in the unfortunate event of accidents, providing financial coverage for injuries and damages that may arise. In other words, it's a safety net that offers peace of mind to operators.

When it comes to mandatory third-party liability insurance, the negotiations with the insurance company usually begin by figuring out what the local authorities require to give them a permit. After that, the insurance policy is adjusted to meet the specific demands outlined by these authorities.

Physical damage coverage: This covers the repair or replacement costs of vehicles if they are damaged due to accidents, collisions, vandalism, or theft. Depending on the policy, physical damage coverage may also extend to equipment like GPS devices, charging stations, and other hardware.

What decides your insurance premium payments?

The amount you'll pay in premiums depends on various factors that are specific to your business This includes your fleet's makeup, where and how you operate, and the level of coverage you're aiming for.

Fleet usage: The more a shared micromobility fleet is used, the more chances there are for things to go wrong. When a fleet is in high demand and used often, there's a greater likelihood that something might happen that requires insurance coverage.

Rider behavior: Insurance companies also consider the fleet's ability to predict and manage undesirable rider behavior. Reckless riding, improper parking, or violating traffic rules can significantly increase the risk of accidents and incidents. Operators that have better measures in place to anticipate and mitigate such behaviors can demonstrate a lower risk profile to insurance providers.

black metal train rail during daytime

Value of the fleet: How much your vehicles are worth individually and as a fleet will affect how much you pay for insurance. If your vehicles are expensive, your insurance premiums will be higher because it would cost more to replace them if they get damaged or lost.

Size of the fleet: Operators can often negotiate more favorable insurance rates for proportionally larger fleets. As the number of vehicles increases, the overall expected risk is distributed and “diluted” as a result – which translates to lower premiums per vehicle. 

However, some brokers like Cachet have embraced a broader approach, ensuring that smaller and medium-sized fleets can also benefit from insurance coverage.

Technology implementation: Shared mobility services that employ technologies like GPS tracking, telematics, and IoT devices can provide insurers with valuable data. This data can then help assess driver behavior and usage patterns, enabling insurers to offer more accurate and tailored premium rates. This also takes into account how simple it is for scooters to be stolen and how well the recovery processes function – which can also play a role in insurance expenses.

Where you operate: The location in which your fleet operates is another important factor. From the insurer’s perspective, different areas pose varied levels of risk. For example, urban mobility – which is associated with a higher risk of accidents – may incur higher premiums compared to vehicles used in rural areas.

Level of coverage: The level of coverage you choose directly affects how much you pay in premiums. Opting for higher coverage limits means you get more comprehensive protection, but obviously, it also means your insurance costs go up.

a scooter parked on the side of a bridge

Choosing the ideal insurance for your fleet

Every shared mobility fleet and business is different, so your insurance needs will depend on things like the type and size of your fleet, where you operate, how much risk you're comfortable with, and of course – how much you are willing to pay. 

For example, do you require coverage for specific risks, like vandalism, or perhaps your fleet is composed of premium vehicles that are more expensive? To make it more relatable, let's dive into a practical case of a shared micromobility operator's experience with insurance.

How Hoog found the right insurance with Cachet

The concept behind Hoog Mobility is to revolutionize transportation in smaller Estonian towns. They recognized the need for efficient and eco-friendly local travel and brought a shared mobility solution often seen in big cities but missing in smaller communities: electric scooters.

Cash-strapped mobility startups often worry about potential damage or vandalism happening to their shared vehicles. This concern is shared by traditional insurance companies too. As a result, these insurers might hesitate to provide coverage for shared scooters, and if they do – it's usually at a higher cost.

Faced with this challenge, Hoog initially operated without insurance due to the steep expenses. But that changed when Cachet provided them with a customized insurance solution that perfectly suited the company's needs. Hoog also realized that the initial worry about vandalism wasn't as much of an issue as they thought. But still – having insurance for their fleet turned out to be a sound financial decision that gave them peace of mind.

Concluding remarks

Don't underestimate insurance – it's just as crucial as having a top-notch fleet and solid software. Insurance is best approached proactively – discovering you've cut corners after an unforeseen event will cost you significantly more.

Getting insurance for shared micromobility might be a bit trickier since it's still a new concept, but we've seen that even smaller fleets can make it work – it's just a matter of finding a suitable partner who understands your needs.

At the end of the day, insurance isn't merely about meeting legal requirements – it showcases your dedication to safety, responsible operations, and the well-being of everyone involved in your mobility business.

Why and how should authorities promote shared mobilityWhy and how should authorities promote shared mobility
Why and how should authorities promote shared mobility

Unlocking the power of shared mobility – how authorities can drive change and improve transportation.

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Shared mobility is gaining momentum – offering prospects for reducing traffic, cleaning up city air, and providing users with more flexible transportation options. However, despite its potential, shared mobility often seems to take a backseat to traditional public transportation and private vehicles in the eyes of local authorities and infrastructure planners.

Experts see shared mobility as a game-changing revolution in transportation. It surpasses the earlier revolution of the 20th century when personal cars became widely affordable and accessible. Now, with the rise of shared mobility and environmental concerns, the old notion of "one car per person" is becoming outdated.

In light of this, authorities worldwide should proactively prepare for a future where shared mobility plays an increasingly significant role. In this blog post, we'll explore different ways authorities and legislators can encourage shared mobility – and why it's totally worth it.

The positive impact of shared mobility

Shared mobility has the potential to fix some of the problems we face with transportation today, benefiting users, cities, and the environment. Here are the key benefits of shared mobility:

  • Reduced congestion: Shared mobility can alleviate traffic congestion, leading to smoother traffic flow and shorter commute times.
  • Environmental sustainability: Shared mobility can reduce the number of vehicles on the road, resulting in lower greenhouse gas emissions and a smaller carbon footprint. This helps combat air pollution and mitigate the environmental impact of transportation.
  • Improved transport accessibility and flexibility: Shared mobility services make transportation more accessible, especially for those without private vehicles or limited mobility options. They also offer convenient alternatives to traditional transportation methods.

Considering the urgent need to combat climate change, shared mobility holds a significant promise as a greener transportation option. The European Union's Green Deal aims to achieve a 90% reduction in transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Shared mobility – coupled with increased adoption of electric vehicles and a broader shift in transportation behaviors – will likely play an important role in achieving this goal.

However, for shared mobility to truly flourish and revolutionize transportation, it needs a supportive environment backed by legislative frameworks and infrastructure planning. So, let's take a closer look at how authorities can foster wider adoption of shared mobility.

1. Favorable regulations with an eye on the future

In the past, shared mobility solutions and business models have faced challenges in gaining acceptance from regulators. A prime example is the initial response of local authorities to Uber’s novel services at the time – ordering them to cease their operations immediately.

Shared mobility services can disrupt traditional transportation models – which may not be welcomed by everyone. However, the undeniable popularity of these services, exemplified by the rapid success of Uber, demonstrates the high customer demand.

Instead of battling against it, authorities might want to shift their focus to creating a supportive legislative framework, recognizing the significant benefits shared mobility can bring. It means regulations that prioritize safety, fair competition, consumer protection, and quality standards – creating an environment where shared mobility can thrive and provide reliable services to customers.

Shared mobility is constantly evolving, which means that regulations need to be flexible and adaptable to keep up with emerging technologies and new challenges. For example, as autonomous vehicles become a possibility, authorities will need to establish guidelines for their safe integration into existing transportation networks.

2. A collaborative approach

Collaboration between local authorities and businesses can be a decisive factor in creating a favorable environment for shared mobility. By working together, they can tackle common challenges, share data, and develop integrated transportation solutions.

Public-private partnerships can also involve incentives like tax breaks or subsidies to encourage the adoption of shared mobility. For example, offering tax breaks to companies that implement ride-sharing programs for their employees can encourage the use of shared transportation options instead of individual cars. Similarly, providing subsidies for shared mobility providers can help offset the initial costs of implementing and expanding their services.

Sharing data between shared mobility platforms and transport authorities is another way to benefit from this cooperation. The platforms have valuable information on accidents, trip patterns, and driver availability. Sharing this data with local authorities can help improve the transportation network, enhance travel apps, and identify underserved areas.

3. Building infrastructure to support the future of transportation

To meet evolving transportation needs, authorities should invest in infrastructure that supports innovative modes of transportation like electric vehicles and shared mobility services. By considering the needs of shared mobility users, infrastructure planners can make it a much more attractive transportation option.

Here are the key infrastructure needs for shared mobility:

Integration with existing infrastructure: To offer users smooth and effective transportation choices, shared mobility must seamlessly integrate with current transport systems like public transit. It should enable users to plan multi-modal journeys and switch between different modes of transport without hassle. For example, users should be able to seamlessly transition from a shared bike or scooter to a bus or train.

Charging stations: Keeping shared electric vehicles performing at their best relies on maintaining their charge. This requires establishing a network of strategically positioned charging stations throughout urban areas. If we're aiming for more people to use electric vehicles, we need to make charging them easy and accessible.

Dedicated parking: Shared mobility services need designated parking areas for their vehicles, such as bike racks and car-sharing parking spots. Well-organized parking infrastructure can reduce street clutter and make it easier for others to grab a shared mobility vehicle.

Information infrastructure support: Running shared mobility services smoothly, including handling bookings, payments, and logistics, depends greatly on a reliable information infrastructure foundation. With the advent of advanced networks like 6G, users will increasingly rely on this infrastructure to stay connected and make the most of these services.

The shared mobility landscape in France

Paris's recent ban on free-floating e-scooters has put France in the spotlight. To take a closer look at the shared mobility environment in France, we turned to Manon Lavergne, CEO of Viluso, a shared micromobility operator. We asked for her insights on the state of micromobility in the country.

Since the Mobility Orientation Law in 2019, the French government has been working to make shared transport easier to access everywhere. At COP 26 in 2021, France undertook to cut its CO2 emissions by 55%.

According to Manon, personal vehicle ownership in urban settings is losing favor among many French citizens, and Paris stands out as a shared micromobility epicenter. The city pioneered self-service shared mobility networks like Vélib' (2007), Autolib' (2011), and Cityscoot's shared electric scooters (2016).

However, in April 2023, Paris residents voted to ban free-floating e-scooters in the city. The reasons behind this decision included riders competing for space with pedestrians on sidewalks and complaints about e-scooters cluttering the pavements when parked. 

Captur's case study on e-scooter parking habits in Paris revealed that the majority of users encountered no problems when parking scooters in designated bays. However, outside of the designated areas, users had to compete with other vehicles, resulting in poorer parking choices.

This example again emphasizes the need for proper infrastructure to support shared mobility. Lots of cities around the world were mainly designed with private cars in mind – which can create challenges for accommodating shared mobility solutions.

Anne Hidalgo, Paris' Mayor, campaigned with a strong green agenda and has introduced various changes to tackle pollution and traffic jams. Her vision includes a "15-minute city" where people can access work, shopping, healthcare, education, and leisure within a 15-minute walk or bike ride from their homes.

Yet, the chaotic state of free-floating e-scooters in Paris resulted in their ban. This scenario raises a question for other global cities: How can shared mobility be encouraged without disrupting other transportation choices and pedestrian movement?

According to Manon, the upcoming 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, which will draw many visitors, will provide valuable insight into the city's transportation system – including the viability of shared mobility.

Shared mobility is here to stay – so start planning today

By adopting a supportive approach, authorities worldwide can play a crucial role in enabling the full potential of shared mobility. While it may require a shift in mindset, the potential gains of reduced congestion, environmental sustainability, and improved transportation options make it a worthwhile consideration. 

We know that shared mobility is here to stay and will only expand in the coming years. By taking a more proactive stance, authorities will be in a better position to integrate and maximize the full benefits of shared mobility.

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